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How can you do a reading for me if I am not physically present at the time, e.g. a reading via e-mail?


When you are not physically present with the reader, the reader ‘tunes in’ to you and your spiritual energy through thought and intention (perhaps for moments, or even hours before the actual reading). The reader repeatedly asks for Universal guidance on your focus question in his/her mind or aloud, whilst preparing for the reading, and whilst shuffling and drawing the cards. Focus of the reader’s thought on you continues as the cards are interpreted. Later intuitive thoughts can also come to the reader in the hours, or even days following. The key factors for the reader are thought, intention, intuition, and tapping into the Universal Consciousness that connects us all. Therefore, long distances / lack of physical presence in the room will not stop that connection between you and the reader. In fact, you can be focusing on your daily life as usual, whilst the reader is going through the process of ‘tuning in’ to you and doing your reading.


What types of question(s) can the cards answer?


Open-ended questions work best, as they open different avenues of thought for you to explore.

Examples of open-ended questions could be:


What factors do I need to consider in the area of my finances?

How can I best support my partner with…….?

What should I be aware of in the area of work/career?


If you are unsure, we would be very happy to help you identify and shape your question.


Closed questions can be asked, although the cards will not always give a clear yes/no answer. The yes/no answer can be implied and usually it will not be definitive. The cards drawn often reveal messages that may seem removed from the original question. However, those cards turn up because their messages have much relevance and bearing, and you are being asked to consider them as part of the bigger picture.


Questions directly about a third party are not advised - they are contentious because they can be deemed an invasion of the third party’s privacy. The focus of the question should always be steered towards YOU.


Questions about health matters are best answered by a licensed medical professional.



What is the difference between tarot and oracle cards?


Oracle cards identify general areas for you to focus on, whereas the messages revealed in tarot cards are more specific and detailed. Oracle cards provide a gentler and broader approach in a reading. Tarot cards are more direct. It is also possible to combine a tarot card spread with an over-arching oracle theme card if you prefer. For either type of divination tool, the reader uses his/her intuition to draw each of the cards. The same goes for pendulum dowsing over a certain card for the purpose of clarification.



What if my reading, or parts of it, do not make immediate sense to me?


It can take time for events to unfold (also dependent on your free will choices too). Also, allow yourself time to digest the content of the reading. For example, you may have an intuitive ‘eureka moment’ days, weeks or even months later, where there is clarity and you are then able to see a card’s relevance.

Cate can testify that she had a reading over a decade ago, and at the time, she could only make vague sense of the first two cards. As the years rolled by, those two cards became highly significant. Each of the other seven cards related to the first two and have since come to pass.



I’ve just had a reading with you, how long should I wait before I can book another?


If the second reading is about the same question or focus area, we recommend that you leave at least a couple of months before booking another. This is so that there is time to see what unfolds in your life. You can, of course, book another reading immediately if you have a different question or focus area.



Are some of the tarot cards considered to be ‘bad’?


There are some people who regard certain tarot cards as being negative, ‘bad’ or even ‘evil’. For example, some fear cards such as “Death”, “The Devil”, “The Tower”, “The Hanged Man” and the “Ten of Swords”. However, they need not fear them. The meanings of cards such as these have often been misinterpreted. The same goes for the myth that all reversed cards are negative.

In addition to this, remember that the cards themselves are simply ink on paper. They are just tools and a point of focus for the intuitive card reader and for you. All the cards carry spiritual messages, some represent bigger challenges, but all the cards are an opportunity for a spiritual growth and learning. Even if those life challenges are tough, ultimately, those experiences will result in you gaining spiritual strength. For us there is no such thing as a ‘bad’ card. Life would be great if it were all plain sailing with no ups and downs, but it would also be boring, and would we ever gain life experiences that have profound value or give us the opportunity to develop ourselves emotionally and spiritually?



I received a very negative reading in the past from another reader, and it left me feeling despondent. Should I feel apprehensive about ever having a reading again?


A reading should never leave you feeling low and depressed, even if possible coming challenges are revealed by the cards. These challenges are not set in stone, as your free will always comes into play, and our choices and actions can change outcomes and the life paths we take. Add to this, that there is a positive message in each card, however slight. There is always something positive that can come out of a negative situation too, even if that is not immediately apparent. Think of the cards as being signposts – some you might choose to ignore, and some you might decide to look at more closely. YOU have the power of choice over your life, NOT the card reader and the reading. Our readings might not be the type that are all fluffy-angels-unicorns-and-fairy-dust, but they are NOT going to leave you feeling hopeless and powerless. No matter what cards are drawn, within them, there will be some degree of an empowering message for you.



Can Tarot and Oracle cards tell the future?


Contrary to popular belief, Tarot and Oracle cards are essentially NOT a form of fortune-telling. In a past-present-future type spread, the cards can reveal what from your past has significant influence on the present, the present situation itself (including things we may feel apprehensive about facing), and possible and probable future outcomes. However, it is up to our own free will and choice of action as to whether those future outcomes will come to pass. Possibility and probability are not set in stone and can always be changed by human choice and action.

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