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Terms & Conditions of Service


In booking a Tarot/Oracle card reading or Reiki healing session, with TouchWood Mystics or Kenny’s Rainbow Tarot, the client is confirming that he/she has read, understood and agrees to the Disclaimer, and the Terms & Conditions outlined below. The Disclaimer and Terms & Conditions are necessary to protect both parties.


1)    Payment policy, cancellation, rescheduling and refunds

·         Online readings and Reiki healing sessions are booked and paid for in advance, via Paypal for Kenny’s Rainbow Tarot, and by bank  

          transfer for TouchWood Mystics. By making payment via PayPal or by bank transfer, you, the Client, are confirming that you are the

          account holder.

·         Readings or Reiki Healing sessions will be carried out once payment has been received.


·         There is a 48-hour full refund (less any transaction reversal fees) policy for a cancellation. This is to increase the chance of us being able

          to reallocate the slot.

·         Where cancellations are more than 48 hours they may be re-scheduled, and the pre-paid fee will be retained.

·         Cancellations which are less than 48 hours notice, a 50% charge will apply.

·         Cancellations which are less than 24 hours notice, due to an emergency/extreme circumstances, a 25% charge will apply, or the Client

          will have the option to reschedule the reading. In the event of rescheduling, the fee will be retained.


·         If either Cate or Kenny need to cancel a service for whatever reason (including if we suspect that the Client should be deemed a

          vulnerable adult), a full refund will be given if the Client has pre-paid for a service.

·         Due to banking procedures beyond our control, refunded fees may take several working days to arrive back in the Client’s bank account.


2)    Content of the reading

·         The Client accepts that readings and Reiki healing sessions are not 100% guaranteed.

·         During a reading, cards may be drawn for the spread that may highlight issues or feelings that a Client may not have expected to or may            be reticent to consider and contemplate. The Client accepts that this may happen. Also, cards may be drawn that do not give the Client a           definitive answer to a question that he/she had asked. Instead, the cards drawn can often focus attention on the Client and the Client’s               perspective /thoughts /feelings /patterns /behaviours whether from the conscious or subconscious, deeming that to be of primary    

          importance for the Client to be made aware of. The Client cannot expect a refund in full or in part, if he/she does not like what he/she

          hears. There are many variables that can affect your reading and its interpretation. Readings are not an exact science. 

·         The Client also agrees that he/she is entering into a contract that is based on a Reader’s time. TouchWood Mystics and Kenny’s

          Rainbow Tarot will not accept any allegation that by being charged for a service rendered, the Client has been taken advantage of.

          Similarly, the Client agrees that he/she is entering into a contract based on time not content accuracy.

·         If the Client is unhappy in any way, the Client should raise this with the reader as soon as possible, in order to rectify any issues   

          appropriately and amicably. There is a time limit for raising issues. For e-mail readings there is a period of 3 working days from

          receiving the e-mail reading, in which to raise any issues. For any readings and Reiki sessions where the Client is receiving the service 

          via real-time face-to-face or audio/text communication capacity (in person/online/telephone), issues must be raised at the time.


3)    Clients – Protection of Vulnerable Adults

·         You should not book a reading or Reiki healing session if you feel that you are attending in desperation, in poor finances or delicate

          mental health. If you choose to do so, we cannot be held responsible or take blame for any subsequent issues that arise.

·         Cards drawn for the Client may uncover feelings, emotions and issues that the Client may find difficult to address. The intention is not to           cause the Client distress. If the Client feels vulnerable or feels that the prospect of being faced with such direct and emotional-delving is 

          likely to cause the Client any distress, the Client should not book a service. Instead of booking a reading or Reiki healing session, we 

          recommend that the Client seek advice from a licensed medical or counselling professional first.

·         The responsibility for knowing when the Client feels vulnerable lies with the Client. The following is not a definitive list, but examples of             those who may be or feel vulnerable are: those who are recently bereaved, those who are suffering any mental health issues (whether  

          diagnosed and on medication or not), those of diminished mental capacity, those who are suffering serious illness, those experiencing

          poor financial circumstances, and those faced with legal issues. For financial, legal or physical/mental health vulnerability, the Client

          should always consult the relevant licensed professional first.

·         If at any point the Client is deemed as being vulnerable, or that you pose a risk to yourself or others, we reserve the right to end a

          reading or session immediately, and to enforce a Duty of Care Procedure. Depending on the circumstances, this could range from

          directing the Client to a recognised help organisation, to contacting professional emergency services.

·         Any person booking and paying for a service must be over the age of 18 years. Any person attending a reading or Reiki healing session           must also be over the age of 18 years. No child may be present for any part of a reading or Reiki healing session, even briefly.


4)    Data Protection and Privacy

·         We do not hold information about a Client except for the Client’s chosen e-mail address, which will be used for all communication

          relating to the Client’s reading and the processes of booking and payment. The e-mail address will be used for communication between

         TouchWood Mystics and/or Kenny’s Rainbow Tarot and the Client.

·         We will not share your personal details and/or e-mail with any third party who is not directly involved with and part of the booking,

          payment and reading/Reiki healing service process.

·         From time to time, TouchWood Mystics and Kenny’s Rainbow Tarot may send out e-mails regarding our own promotional

          offers/events/items, or to make the Client aware of our own written articles of interest (e.g. our own blogs). We will approach the Client,

          in writing, to ask for the Client’s consent to send out ongoing emails regarding our own promotional offers/events/items or our own

          written articles of interest.

·         Our website provider (Wix) currently displays their own advertisements. This is beyond our control. We cannot take responsibility for

          ‘cookies’ from this website provider accessing your personal computer, mobile phone or other device.



5)    Indemnity


           TouchWood Mystics and Kenny’s Rainbow Tarot will not be liable, or accept liability, for any loss or damage of whatever nature which 

           may result from content given in any reading.

           TouchWood Mystics and Kenny’s Rainbow Tarot accepts no liability and/or responsibility for any actions and/or decisions any client 

           chooses to take or make based on his/her consultation with us. the Client agrees to absolutely indemnify and hold harmless  

           TouchWood Mystics and Kenny’s Rainbow Tarot, their heirs, relatives, agents or assignees and this website/Facebook page in

           perpetuity and throughout all known and unknown universes.


6)    Copyright and confidentiality laws apply

·         You agree you will not publish, display, share, distribute and/or archive any material, photo, content etc without express permission

          from TouchWood Mystics and/or Kenny’s Rainbow Tarot.

·         You may share TouchWood Mystics and Kenny’s Rainbow Tarot content and videos on appropriate social media outlets (Facebook, 

          Pinterest, Twitter, Digg and Tumblr) on the condition that appropriate attribution is given.

·         TouchWood Mystics or Kenny’s Rainbow Tarot does not take credit for the card decks used, images of the card decks or author      

          description of cards as our own. Quotations, author credits for each deck/card used are provided. Our own thoughts in our own words, of

          decks and cards, are designed to complement the essential meaning given by the author and are clearly identified to differentiate them

          from any quoted writings of the author.

·         TouchWood Mystics and Kenny’s Rainbow Tarot do not wish to infringe on any copyright, and uses the cards only to write about, chosen

          carefully from a variety of different decks by different authors and publishing houses. If you do not wish your cards to be used in our

          free blog, please notify TouchWood Mystics by email at and we will no longer use your cards. Previous

          posts can be removed upon request to comply with any and all copyright laws.


7)    All services offered by TouchWood Mystics and Kenny’s Rainbow Tarot on the website and our Facebook page are for entertainment

       purposes only. It is British law to state this and this law exists to protect both parties.


8)    Before booking, you have had the opportunity to ask any and all questions you have, and so you agree that you fully understand, and of

       your own free will, choose to enter into this legal and binding Disclaimer and Terms & Conditions of service agreement.

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